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Supplier Information

Suppliers are a valuable and integral part of our business enterprise process. Textron Systems is committed to working with suppliers to ensure customer satisfaction through conformance to quality requirements, competitive costs, improved communication, reduction of variation, elimination of non-value-added work and timely delivery expectations. The company intends to establish and maintain long-term relationships with suppliers who are committed to continuous improvement in quality, delivery, cost and service. This commitment is an expectation of all suppliers.

Read our Supplier Privacy Notice on our Privacy Policies page.

Supplier Quality

The below information applies to our Electronic Systems, Support Solutions and Unmanned Systems businesses.

Supplier Expectations

Provides an overview to prompt discussion with your Supplier Quality Engineer.

Supplier Expectations Package

Supplier Rating System

Details of Textron Systems’ Supplier Rating System


Supplier UID Information

Details of UID PO codes

Supplier First Article Inspection

The purpose of the First Article Inspection is to provide objective evidence that all engineering, design and specification requirements are correctly understood, accounted for, verified, and recorded. It is also intended to ensure that planning, work instructions, material processing systems and controls, tools, gauges and fixtures, inspection/test equipment will produce an item in compliance to the applicable purchase order, drawing and specification requirements.

Please see Supplier First Article Inspection Instruction QA-SP52 for more information regarding FAI.

Supplier Quality Assurance Requirements (SQAR) Document

QA-SP47-Rev. L

This document applies when PO code "4M" is placed on the PO

Critical Safety Items (CSI)

The Critical Safety Item (CSI) program designed to mitigate the risk of failure of items as specified on the PO. As a Textron Systems Supplier, it is your responsibility to review your PO to see if the program applies to you. PO code "CSI" indicates the requirement to comply with CSI program requirements.

Click here for an overview of the CSI Program

Please see Critical Safety Item (CSI) Program Activities (QA-SP65 Rev.F)for requirements and more information regarding the CSI Program.

PO Codes

This page contains the list of all PO codes and their associated requirements. Suppliers should use this document as reference with deciphering what their PO code means and what they have to do for it.

Material Review Board

Nonconforming material should be identified, documented, evaluated, segregated, and dispositioned to prevent its unintended use. Unless otherwise stated in the PO, the seller is authorized to conduct limited Material Review and disposition of nonconforming products identified by the Seller through rework applicable to requirements, scrap, or RTV (return to the supplier’s sub-tier source for rework or replacement). The Seller may propose and formally request a “use-as-is” or repair (salvage) disposition from Textron Systems by submitting Form PRQA-QM11-FM1, “Supplier MRB Disposition Request.” No repairs are to be made to product prior to receiving formal approval on this form.

Supplier Forms