In The Driver's Seat: A Look at Textron Systems’ Major Milestone Achievements in 2024 with the Cottonmouth® ARV
As we look back on the year 2024, Textron Systems has achieved significant milestones on the Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) program to bring the clean sheet Cottonmouth® vehicle design to the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC). The Cottonmouth ARV is engineered to enhance and revolutionize the fleet’s ability to perform reconnaissance missions by becoming an Edge Node through sensing and adjudicating distribution of intelligence throughout the fleet. The Cottonmouth ARV is prepared for the modern battlefield with improved mobility, survivability and mission packages for Mobile Reconnaissance Battalion (MRB).
The year began with a contract award to design, develop and build an ARV Medium Caliber Autocannon Prototype Vehicle (ARV-30). This award marked a major step forward in the development of a force-multiplying Cottonmouth ARV solution. Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and Critical Design Review (CDR) were completed for the ARV-30 PV in June and September, respectively. These reviews were essential for ensuring that the prototype design met the USMC requirements as it allowed Textron Systems to begin work on a prototype to deliver the government a direct fire variant for the MRB.
Textron Systems also completed crucial milestones for the ongoing Systems Integration Lab (SIL) 2.0 effort with PDR completing in May and CDR in October ahead of expected delivery in Q2 2025. SIL 2.0 was awarded in late 2023 to continue maturing and modernizing vetronics development with a focus on Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA), increased system reliability and mature USMC system requirements.
During SIL 2.0 CDR, Textron Systems performed a live demonstration of the upgraded vetronics to over 25 U.S. Government attendees, successfully showcasing the enhanced capabilities of the Cottonmouth ARV vetronics as it enables inherent reconnaissance communications systems. The MOSA approach to the vetronics allows ease of integration of multiple capabilities, both contractor and/or government provided, enhancing the growth and future system modification for emerging requirements for the Marine Corps.
The Command, Control, Communications, and Computer/Uncrewed Aerial Systems (C4UAS) Prototype Vehicle continued evaluation with the Marine Corps in the year. These evaluations informed vehicle design enhancements while maturing the Marine Corps’ requirements. Automotive testing and electromagnetic interference characterization was evaluated to further develop a purpose-built ARV solution.
During this evaluation period, the Cottonmouth ARV supported a maintenance demonstration where its unique features and technical advancements aimed to improve the field sustainability were exhibited to Marines first-hand. The Cottonmouth ARV maintains exceptional swim capabilities that allow seamless maneuverability in logistically contested multi-domain environments. Further advancing the Marine Corps’ mobility and force, four Cottonmouth ARV platforms can be easily transported on one Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC).
Overall, 2024 was a year of great progress for Textron Systems on the ARV program with the Cottonmouth™ vehicle. The completion of these milestones brings us one step closer to reconnaissance missions that are more efficient and more effective than ever before. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for this revolutionary vehicle and the positive impact it will have on USMC mission success.
Learn more about the Cottonmouth ARV here: Cottonmouth | Textron Systems