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Using Collaboration and Communication to Succeed

May 30, 2019

As Vice President of the Adversary Center of Excellence, Dennis Rieke understands the importance of performance management and career conversations and how these tools can affect a company’s morale and effectiveness. Though these conversations can seem daunting, managers and employees alike can take steps to foster successful collaboration.

Communication is crucial to good performance management. As Rieke noted, “A lack of communication is bad, but bad communication is criminal.” By having an open line of communication, managers can relay feedback to their employees at not only scheduled times, but also on a regular basis. “Everyone wants feedback – both positive and negative,” Rieke said. “People want to know where they stand and what they can improve on.”  

When asked what employees can do to facilitate a career conversation with their managers, Rieke suggested that, “employees come prepared with questions that can’t be answered anywhere else.” By knowing exactly what topics they’d like to cover, employees are being cognizant of not only their time, but their manager’s as well. Employees will also be able to dive deeper into the subjects they most want to cover. Though initiating and having career conversations with one’s manager may seem difficult, they are a prime opportunity for feedback and for the employee to gain valuable career advice from their manager. 

Rieke noted, “managers must take every opportunity to provide feedback through true, constructive conversations.” These conversations will lead to mutual respect between the employee and manager, leading to employees feeling empowered and needed. These members will work harder in their positions, knowing that the work they do is important. Since Rieke recommends that career conversations be ongoing, employees should be open to feedback and ready to begin an open dialogue with their managers.

Dennis Rieke