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A2PATS® System User Group Conference 2024

July 10, 2024
A2PATS® Family of Products
Test, Training &

The Textron Systems Electronic Systems team recently held their annual A2PATS® system user group conference, hosting many customers and system users at our facility in Hunt Valley, Maryland. This is a significant event for the Textron Systems team as well as the customers who attend. “Taking dedicated time to allow ourselves to step back and view our product through our customers’ eyes is critical,” said Mike, Vice President of Global Sales and Strategy for Electronic Systems. “There is nothing like getting in a room with various customers who utilize the system is a variety of ways, to really dig in and see where the future is headed.”

Although meetings are held year-round to support the customers, this user group is the largest annual customer meeting for A2PATS system users. Prior to the conference, customers provided input regarding topics they would like to discuss during the event – this assisted in building the final agenda. Topics presented range from new technologies available, integration of existing technologies to further expand a mission set, utilizing best practices and training.

“Throughout the day, the most crucial part is getting to hear feedback directly from the customers,” said Will, Director of Aftermarket for Electronic Systems. “Having this open dialogue helps focus future developments and provides the opportunity for customers to discuss amongst themselves unique ways to utilize the system.”

In addition to the one-day conference, there was an optional second day for individual customer groups. During the second day, customers were able to tailor the conference even more to their needs by having focused, one-on-one discussions with our Electronic Systems team. These sessions were truly driven by the customer’s desires, whether discussing the future of their mission needs or performing hands-on training for areas in which users want additional guidance.

“This is my favorite event of the year, by far,” Mike said. “It is a structured, but casual, way to get everyone together and see the future of this technology. In turn, my team gets to continue innovating and building the most technically advanced, fully modular system they can.”

The A2PATS simulator is an electromagnetic environment generator used to simulate radar, communications, and electro-optical/infrared sensor suites in a laboratory environment. The system is built upon open-architecture direct digital synthesizer technology and evolves past stimulating Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) to support additional intelligence disciplines and sensors. The A2PATS simulator continues to be vital to preparedness for electronic warfare communities across the world.