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Electronic Systems Glossary

Term Definition


The ability to automate and run large-scale tests and simulations with minimal human interaction.


A type of simulation in which the system under test (SUT) and electromagnetic simulation environment dynamically react to each other in real-time.

Communication Intelligence (COMINT)

Technical and intelligence information obtained from foreign communications by entities other than the intended recipients. This data is gathered through the interception and analysis of foreign electromagnetic communications, as well as encrypted foreign communications.

Distributed Aperture System (DAS)

A 360 degree, spherical situation awareness system on the F-35. The DAS provides missile detection and tracking, launch point detection, situation awareness Infrared Search and Track System (ISRT) & cueing, weapons support and day/night navigation.

Electromagnetic Environment

The measure of the electromagnetic emissions encountered by a military force, system or platform while carrying out its mission in its designated environment, accounting for power and time distribution across different frequency ranges.

Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)

Information derived primarily from electronic signals through monitoring, collection, analysis and exploitation.

Technical ELINT (TechELINT)

Describes the signal structures, characteristics and weapons systems associations of ELINT sources.

Operational ELINT (OpELINT)

ELINT concentrated on locating specific targets and determining the operational patterns of the systems.

Electronic Warfare (EW)

The use of the electromagnetic spectrum to attack or defend against hostile forces in order to disrupt or disable their communication, radar and other electronic systems.

Electro-Optical Infrared (EO/IR) Systems

A type of sensor that combines optics and electronics to detect, track and identify objects or targets in the infrared spectrum.

Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS)

The defenses, resources, protocols and armaments employed to prevent enemy aircraft from entering one's territory.

Pulse Descriptor Word (PDW)

A digital representation of every pulse being generated for an emitter.

Radio Frequency (RF)

Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies between about 3 KHz and 300 GHz.

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

Information gathered from electronic signals and systems employed by foreign entities, such as communication networks, radars and weapons systems, that offers insights into their capabilities, actions and behaviors.